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All About
Lisa Wasson

Lisa's father was in the Navy and her mother  a housewife.  This is why she was born in Rhode Island, but raised in small town, Creston, Iowa. Being the eldest of three girls, She was always the leader.  While attending college she got her first experience with real estate while working as a secretary for a local realtor.  She enjoyed working with people and loved open houses. Young and unsure of her career path, she went to work at a local bank after college.  


In 1995, Lisa met and married Ken Wasson.

They have three children, Trevor, Garrett and Kelsie.  After their third child was born, they decided it was time for a change and Lisa stayed home with the children.   In  2002, Kenny's job with the railroad took them from Creston, Iowa to Platte City, Missouri.  Not wanting to live in a big city,  Platte City was a great compromise for their young family.  


Lisa enjoyed her time with the kids while they were little, but was glad to return to work after 5 years.  She worked for the school district in Platte City as a para professional and loved working with the students preK through 12th grade.  


In 2012, Kenny accepted a position in management with the railroad which brought them to Nevada, Missouri.  Although it was a hard transition for their children, they all made the most of it and LOVE Nevada.  She met Jennifer Yarsulik, Broker/Owner of Stutesman's Action Realty,  while looking for a house in Nevada and worked as a secretary for her and decided it was time to rekindle her passion for real estate.  In March of 2014 Lisa received her real estate license, she absolutely LOVES it,  and can't wait to share her passion with you!

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